One of the key points of Redux is that all of the data is stored in a single object called the state tree
Rule# 1 Only an event can change the state of the store.
Redux offers predictable state management by having a single state tree. The state tree is an object that stores the entire state for an app. 3 way to interact
The store is called when we combine the three items above and the state tree object itself into one unit which we called the store.
It returns a Promise that resolves to a PushSubscription object containing details of a push subscription
The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
productId: 15
Rule #2: The function that returns the new state needs to be a pure function.
What is a pure function:
example pure funtion:
const double_sum= x => x + x;
Impure function example
let y = 1;
const double_sum= x => x + y;
The concat()
method can be used to merge two or more arrays into one array and this method doesn't change the existing array, but instead returns a new array.
a reducer in javascript is just a simple JS function. In Redux, a reducer is a function that takes two arguments — state and action and returns a new state based on the state and action that was passed.
Example of a Redux reducer
function appReducer (state, action){
if(action.type === 'ADD_TODO'){
return state.concat([action.todo])
return state